Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fad diets and cardio, neither will make you lose weight.

Just about everybody out there has come up with a sure fire way to lose weight and keep it off with a crash for fad type diet. While these might show you some quick results, THEY NEVER LAST and will FAIL. They are almost always based on the short term and can be very restrictive. This unhealthy and unrealistic and your body knows it. If you're losing muscle tissue, it makes it that much harder to lose fat because you are lowering the amount of calories that your body needs to keep up with your normal activities. Think of it this way, once a bodybuilder quits taking steroids, they start losing the massive size of their muscles. It pays to take your time. I didn't get fat overnight so theres no way I could expect to become skinny overnight either.

Let's talk about cardio exercise for a minute. Most of the popular programs call for aerobic exercise as the primary method of exercise to lose weight. Don't confuse what I'm saying here, cardio is definitely a great exercise but what you can't expect is for somebody to have time to get 1-2 hours of cardio done per day to make it even possible to begin losing the weight you need to. I tried running at first because it was cheap and the easiest way to get started. The problem I had was that my extra weight hurt my knees and feet and was not the best way to get started. Let's not even talk about how many hangers the treadmill in my bedroom can hold. Oh, and the running, BORING! If you're not having fun, you won't stick with it.

What I had to learn the hard way was that I needed to not only make some exercise changes but more importantly I needed a lifestyle change. These techniques had to be realistic and easy to follow and not just for today but for the rest of my life.  I want to go over what I did to make these changes, slowly and continuously.

What kind of benefits do I expect you to get from this? Here goes...

No more being a slave to the gym, spending precious hours on the treadmill when you can be with your family.

No more rushing to be on time to a cardio class or doing tons of different exercises each week to get what you need.

No more crazy fad diets or crash diets that want you to reduce carbs severely.

No more watching your diet like crazy or wondering if that cookie you just had will make you do another 45 minutes of cardio.

And most importantly, no longer being a slave to those massive multi-billion dollar fitness diets that are only wanting to make money off of you and not getting you healthy because that doesn't make them money!